Recipe Config-Origin Stamp

## These have to do with the OriginStamp API; see the API documentation at 
## for more info.
OriginStampAPIKey: 48b8478f-9e51-4b1b-86ee-3e085c5daa0e

## The 'comment' field of the request body will contain the pagename if OriginStampPagenameAsComment is true; 
## otherwise it will contain the value of the $:OriginStampComment PTV on the page to be OriginStamp'd.
OriginStampPagenameAsComment: 1

## Page onto which a record of OriginStamp'd pages is saved. By default, records
## are saved in :Group.Name:response_data format; this may be changed by
## specifying an OriginStampRecordTemplate.
## If the template is specified as a section only (#whatever instead of
## Group.Name#whatever), then OriginStamp will look for the template on the
## OriginStampRecipeConfigPage (i.e., this page)
## If OriginStampRecordPage is set to '' (empty string), no record is saved.
OriginStampRecordPage: Rdb.OriginStampRecord
OriginStampRecordTemplate: Rdb.OSRTemplate

## Page variables and page text variables are available in the record template
## via {=$foo} (for page variables) and {=$:foo} (for page text variables).
## These are evaluated relative to the page which is being OriginStamp'd.
## Several special variables are available in the record template. They are:
##   {$$response_data}	the full response data (with extraneous fields removed)
##   {$$hash_string}	the hash of the submission
##   {$$comment}		the comment field of the submission
##   {$$date_created}	the date of the submission
## Other special variables may be defined by providing a comma-separated list
## of variables:value pairs, e.g.:
## OriginStampSpecialVariables: my_special_var1:value1,my_special_var2:value2

## If an OriginStampRecordPage is defined, and OriginStampAllowMultipleSaves is not set, 
## then we check to see if the current page already has a record on the OriginStampRecordPage;
## if so, don't re-OriginStamp it.

## Setting any of these variables to non-empty adds an additional condition to whether or not a page is OriginStamp'd.
## Precedence is in the order you see (and if OriginStampPageIncludeRegex is set, the rest are ignored).
OriginStampPageExcludeList: Rdb.Dbtemplate
    [0] => Rdb.OSRTemplate
    [1] => Rdb.OSRTemplate

(:title Hashing Test 001:)

(:pname:Hashing Test 001:)

[[Category: Fox Template]]

[[Category: Preregistration]]

'''Filer''' - anonymous

'''Project Name''' - Hashing Test 001

'''Principal(s)''' - 

'''Contact Email''' - 

'''Homepage''' - 

'''What is the project''' - Writing exact hashed text to config page to diagnose possible mismatch butween publicly available source and whatever our program is hashing.

'''Timestamp''' (autofilled) - 1510949184