Jargon Survey


At n=53, these are the response percentages for each term or phrase.

Term or Phrase Academia LessWrong Diaspora Neither % Wrong
Alief 49.1% (Correct) 41.5% 9.4% 50.9%
Inside View/Outside View 75.5% (Correct) 22.6% 1.9% 24.5%
Epistemic Learned Helplessness 18.9% 79.2% (Correct) 1.9% 20.8%
Chinese Robber Fallacy 50.9% 22.6% (Correct) 26.4% 77.4%
Anti-Inductive 43.4% 39.6% (Correct) 17% 60.4%
Motte and Bailey 35.8% (Correct) 50.9% 13.2% 64.2%
Map and Territory 58.5% 22.6% 18.9% (Correct) 81.1%
Observer Effect 98.1% (Correct) 0% 1.9% 1.9%
Terminal vs Instrumental Values/Goals 67.9% (Correct) 26.4% 5.7% 32.1%
Ugh-Field 0% 94.3% (Correct) 5.7% 5.7%
Illusion of Transparency 66% (Correct) 24.5% 9.4% 33.9%
Optimiser's Curse 30.2% (Correct) 58.6% 13.2% 71.8%

Citations On Term Or Phrase Origins

Term or Phrase Type Originator/Author Link
Alief Academic Tamar Gendler http://www.pgrim.org/philosophersannual/pa28articles/gendleraliefbelief.pdf (archived)
Inside View/Outside View Academic Kahneman and Lovallo http://www.overcomingbias.com/2007/07/beware-the-insi.html (archived)
Epistemic Learned Helplessness LW Diaspora Scott Alexander https://squid314.livejournal.com/350090.html (archived)
Chinese Robber Fallacy LW Diaspora "The Rationalist Conspiracy" https://rationalconspiracy.com/2015/03/08/the-chinese-robber-fallacy/ (archived)
Anti-Inductive LW Diaspora (best guess) Eliezer Yudkowsky http://lesswrong.com/lw/yv/markets_are_antiinductive/ (archived)
Motte and Bailey Academia Nicholas Shackel https://philpapers.org/archive/SHATVO-2.pdf (archived)
Map and Territory Neither Alfred Korzybski (General Semantics) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Korzybski (archived)
Observer Effect Academia Henry Landsberger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawthorne_effect (archived)
Terminal vs Instrumental Values/Goals Academia Milton Rokeach https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rokeach_Value_Survey (archived)
Ugh-Field LW Diaspora Anonymous http://lesswrong.com/lw/21b/ugh_fields/ (archived)
Illusion of Transparency Academia eg. (Gilovich 1998) https://web.archive.org/web/20120313180517/http://www.psych.cornell.edu/sec/pubPeople/tdg1/Gilo.Sav.Medvec.pdf (archived)
Optimiser's Curse Academia (Smith & Winkler, 2005) https://faculty.fuqua.duke.edu/%7Ejes9/bio/Optimizers_Curse.pdf (archived)

Phrases Tried On Google Scholar During Literature Review

jargon origins

jargon source

jargon etymology

terminology source

identifying etymology

terminology etymology